Psst! I'm Brenda,

your ModernDay Technology Interventionist, I've been where you are...overwhelmed, scatter-brained, accountable for every aspect of the project, feeling the imposter syndrome with zero credibility. When all-in-all a good yank into alignment was all that was truly needed. So, after years of winging it, giving up quality time meant for my young boys to meet client deadlines, and having nothing but burnout. New TurnKEY Roadmap Booster and Strategy as I began to enjoy sharing my business experience with others in hopes of accelerating their success. Right off of the virtual hamster wheel and into full-gear forming 'win-win' scenarios - focus, drive, perseverance, and vision that scaled the projects effortlessly. Allow me to share my business experience with YOU in hopes to accelerate your own success on topics ranging from the challenges facing first-time managers to accredit your professional self-image. I am committed to mentoring a new generation who want to lead.

Want to find out how your experience and expertise fits into this equation?
Let's get started!

Brenda did a great job getting a multi-faceted project organized with a clear direction. She has a very analytical nature about her that boils down the key questions to the relevant facts and the associated math that all can agree and act upon.

I empower Project Manager’s and Leaders alike to expose project RISK planning so simply they can Stand-out Conquer Obstacles and Reach Excellence…in other word, SCORE!

The profitable action steps for building a highly-effective risk-mitigation roadmap using my TurnKEY Roadmap Booster & Strategy leveling up your project and bringing you the ROI ‘cha-ching’ your bosses will rave about.

I founded my business to Mentor LEADERS-in-the-Moment while Showing Others How to move from obstacles to solutions in their role with confidence, understanding and clarity to actionable next steps so they become more efficient in the workplace.

Yes, you can ROCK this!


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